The surrealist influence through dripping

Accostamento di due opere differenti, stilisticamente simili: metà è una Straticromia di Brajo Fuso, metà un’opera realizzata con la tecnica del dripping da Jackson Pollock.


Brajo Fuso continued to experiment. With the Straticromie, he achieved spontaneously and unintentionally a result similar to those artworks of the American master of Action painting, Jackson Pollock. The dates of Pollock and Fuso’s artworks correspond, even if the two artists have never had any contact. Their connection point is Surrealism by Masson and Max Ernst and Dadaism by Kurt Schwitters.

Moreover, dripping had already been tested by Max Ernst and by the Surrealist world headed by Jungian theories, based on the archetype and the research of something inner, spiritual and abstract. Artists entrusted to psychic automatism, a process found in frottage, collage, dripping, and automatic writing, all art forms that highlight an irrational component.

Another European genre fundamental in that period was Dadaism, which had in common with Surrealism a certain kind of irrational attitude inherited from the First World War. Dadaism and Surrealism arrived in the United States thanks to the art collector and patron Penny Guggenheim – in France in the 1920s – who brought them overseas.