Owner: Fondazione Sodalizio di San Martino

Brajo Fuso imagined his museum as a “artistic and cultural centre of aggregation at everybody’s disposal”
. In 1980, Brajo and his wife Bettina decided to donate the building to the Fondazione Sodalizio di San Martino, with the aim of pursuing that goal. Severe organisational and economic difficulties stood in the way of achieving that goal.
Gradually, the consolidation of buildings, the salvage and restoration of the works, the cataloguing and organisation of the works themselves have begun.
The restoration, renovation, and seismic upgrade project of the art gallery, co-funded by the Region Umbria and the Ministry of Economic Development (FAS funds), was completed in 2008.
Managing institution: Fondazione Onlus Ecomuseo Colli del Tezio

La Fondazione Ecomuseo Colli del Tezio signed an agreement in 2008 to enhance the Fuseum Art Centre, together with the current owner.
Today, the Fuseum Art Centre is managed by the Fondazione Ecomuseo Colli del Tezio and it is permanently and with good reason, entering the number of cultural assets that Perugia can make available to an increasingly and interested public, thanks also to the enhancement due to the project of the Fondazione that has allowed the entire complex to be valorised.