Baraonda di personaggi (1950) This artwork belongs to the first artistic period of Brajo Fuso, in which he is still linked to the figurative
Category: Gallery
Straticromia gestuale(1953)
Straticromia gestuale (1953) In this artwork, Brajo Fuso drops and drips the colour freely on the canvas. The protagonist is the psychical automatism that
Legno (Wood) (1962)
Legno (Wood) (1962) This artwork has an orthogonal composition of wooden strips dark-black coloured. It is part of the Legni collection, artworks with which
Le maschere (Masks) (no date)
Le maschere (Masks) (no date) This assemblage is dedicated to the mask, one of the dearest themes to Brajo Fuso since his pictorial debut
La luna vista di lassù (The moon seen from above) (1969)
La luna vista di lassù (The Moon seen from above) (1969) You are in front of an enigmatic artwork. The Moon is depicted as
Straticromia (1956)
Straticromia (1956) This artwork emphasises the circle and the spiral. Circular movements recall Umbria, the curved lines of the Trasimeno Lake and spirals of
Straticromia (1954)
Straticromia (1954) In this artwork, it is possible to find traces of an archaic representation, with anthropomorphic figures emerging from a background in relief.
Cromoggetto (1969)
Cromoggetto (1969) This artwork is rich in mechanical components, among which it is possible to pinpoint parts of cars and bicycles. Brajo Fuso uses
Gestural plastic bags era (1970)
Era dei sacchetti di plastica gestuale (Gestural plastic bags era) (1970) In this artwork, the plastic is the protagonist, as a recontextualised recycled material.
Straticromia gestuale N. 14 (1951)
Straticromia gestuale N. 14 (1951) This artwork is one of the few representing the evident transition from figurative to abstract art. It results from