![7000 querce joseph beuys opera ambientalista – fuseum Foto dall’alto dell’opera di Joseph Beuys, raffigurante 7000 pietre di basalto accatastate in un parco. In prossimità dell’opera è parcheggiato un furgoncino, sulla destra svettano un albero dal tronco sottile e un lampione, mentre sul fondo si vedono degli edifici storici.](https://www.fuseum.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/7000-querce-joseph-beuys-opera-ambientalista-fuseum.jpg)
Environmental awareness, towards the present
His expressive freedom, always and in any case, linked Brajo Fuso to history. In the 1970s, artworks made with plastic bags drew attention to the environmental topic. A significant spokesperson for environmentalism in the art world was Joseph Beuys, who contributed decisively to the birth of the Green Party in Germany in the same decade. The environment is also one of the topics stated by Beuys in the meeting-lecture in Perugia with Alberto Burri in 1980, the year of the death of Brajo Fuso.