Brajo Fuso began his career as a figurative painter in 1943. He was an autodidact because he had no rudiments of painting. His style was adapted to the dramatic and expressionist style of the post-World War II period, a result of the dazed souls of artists who were looking for a new direction. In his paintings, it is possible to find similarities with the language of Co.Br.A group born in 1948. Co.Br.A collects Expressionism features of early 1900: Fauvism (in particular, Matisse), the Vienna Secession (Schiele and Kokoschka), Soutine, Munch and Nolde.
Since making art after 1945 implied a stance and ethical responsibility, his pure instinct put him at the same level as other great artists. This condition was due to resetting culture and social awareness of the physical and moral disaster of the society, typical of that historical period.
In the same period of figurative art, Brajo Fuso experimented with ceramics. His work recalls Picasso (of whom he knew artworks, including Guernica: the artistic apotheosis of the disaster caused by the war) and ceramics of the previous decade, from Leoncillo Leonardi to Lucio Fontana.